Tuesday 18 November 2014

NDM Story #15 Facebook targets workplaces with new professional networking site


According to a report in the Financial Times, the company is developing a site called Facebook at Work that will allow users to chat and collaborate on documents with colleagues, and connect with contacts. Thousands of companies use email, chat and collaboration tools offered by the likes of Google and Microsoft, while LinkedIn has become the most widely used site for professional networking. Many companies prevent their employees from logging on to their Facebook accounts on work computers, though the rise of smartphones has made that less of a barrier to using the social network during office hours. However, the new site is expected to look very similar to Facebook’s interface, with its newsfeed and groups, but allow users to keep their personal information entirely separate from their work profile.

  • Facebook, which was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg while he was a Harvard student, has some 1.35bn monthly active users at at the end of September.
  • It had 1.19bn users at the same point in 2013.

Due to the dying down of certain social networking sites, I believe that Facebook are being innovative and are stepping away from the 'social side' of networking and have noticed that it is commonly used for professional reasons as well. 

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